Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Called to Serve

Being a Catechist/helper for Religious Education the past 13 years has been a joy. Starting off as a Adult Aide allowed me to see that you do not need to have a teaching or theological background just a love for God, a personal relationship with Christ and desire from the Holy Spirit to share your faith.

I have learned over the years that God does not always call the equipped, but He will equip you if He calls you to serve.  There are years when I feel this is not something I have time to do, but God always provides the time when I feel him calling me to continue.  The blessings of seeing the children learn is a great reward. I continue to learn as a catechist, I always end the year with a better understanding of our Lord.

Mary Albert

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Mary! And, thank-you for your commitment to the youth of our parish! Some of my greatest faith experiences have been times when I was sharing a homily during Children's Liturgy of the Word. It's the best feeling when that look of understanding about Jesus lights up a child's face!


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